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Feb 8, 20153 min read
Thoughts on Carjacked
As mentioned in Reading Non-Fiction, my goal is to share what motivated me to read the books and some thoughts that came from said...
May 26, 20144 min read
Biking with baby … and toddler
Since our previous biking post, our primary mode of transportation has been the MEC single bike trailer (for biking and strolling),...
Nov 4, 20123 min read
Cars are stressful
The research is clear: commuting by car is stressful. There are many reasons I prefer to bike, but a major one is that biking is far less...
Apr 15, 20124 min read
Biking with baby
As Tanya Snyder recently wrote, it’s pretty easy to be discouraged from biking after having a baby. She made a good point that there is...
Feb 28, 20113 min read
Bike volumes on Dunsmuir: the city <em>is</em> hiding something
The City of Vancouver has been kind enough to release bike volume data for the downtown separated bike lanes. Many people dispute these...
Jun 13, 20103 min read
Why I bike to work (and you should too)
June 2011: I’ve updated the safety section in light of a study I recently learned about. When I lived on the east coast of Canada,...
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