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Nov 4, 20123 min read
Cars are stressful
The research is clear: commuting by car is stressful. There are many reasons I prefer to bike, but a major one is that biking is far less...
Feb 28, 20113 min read
Bike volumes on Dunsmuir: the city <em>is</em> hiding something
The City of Vancouver has been kind enough to release bike volume data for the downtown separated bike lanes. Many people dispute these...
Nov 11, 20101 min read
Bridging the Gap
Transitioning to Vancouver has, on the whole, been pretty easy, but life here is different in many ways. A big one is the amount of...
Jun 13, 20103 min read
Why I bike to work (and you should too)
June 2011: I’ve updated the safety section in light of a study I recently learned about. When I lived on the east coast of Canada,...
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