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Reading Non-Fiction

Every year I try to read at least 12 books. Up until three years ago, the bulk of my reading was from the fiction section (think Pride...

Cars are stressful

The research is clear: commuting by car is stressful. There are many reasons I prefer to bike, but a major one is that biking is far less...

Alternatives to Dungeons & Dragons

Last year, I received the D&D Red Box and Dungeon Master’s Kit as gifts and managed to scrounge together some friends interested in...

Meatless Mondays

Since the beginning of 2011, David and I have been endeavoring to eat meat one less day a week. We heard about the Meatless Monday...

Rest in peace, IE6… now what?

Like many web shops of late, my workplace has officially discontinued support for Internet Explorer 6. My initial reaction was: Yay! No...

Can a vehicle commercial be good?

Recently, I have been paying more attention to commercials. This may be due in part to having cowritten and starred in a short...

JSLint and the trailing comma of death

I’m willing to bet that every seasoned web developer has, at one point or other, encountered the trailing comma of death. Without a...

The name game

Hirtopolis has a new citizen named Zoe. When registering her birth, I was amused to find strict naming requirements: must consist only of...

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